This website + these browsers = ♥♥♥: IE 7+ (works on IE 6, but a little messy layout), Firefox 3.6+ (Mac, PC), Chrome 12.0.742.91 (PC), Safari 4+ (Mac), Android, Iphone, Ipad
Website built in part by... (begin cheers and applause!)
- Galleriffic with template modified
- Gallery for Personal Photo Gallery
- Flowplayer and it's jQuery Tools for flash player and tabs
- Nivo Slider
- TimThumb for automatically resizing images
- Disqus for comments
- Hoverbox Image Gallery by for the Ikea Pilbo coffee table idea in Collections
- AddToAny for social networking widgits.
- Google WebFonts
- jQuery
- All you wonderful people over the years who wired me in and stuck code and multimedia in my brain...
Comments Click to open / close comment box.
Please keep it clean and be nice to each other. I don't want to have to pre-approve everything. Thanks!